For how long do you know each other? Does your line-up changed since the beginning?
Hello. This is Myk Jung, vox and mentally wrecked visionaire of Testify trying to find answers to your questions: some of us have known each other for round about ten years or so. Others came quite recently into the circle of Testify, three or four years back: the live-crew that was hired in the famous 1996-year.
Were you involved in other projects before TESTIFY? If yes, then what kind of projects (I mean musical) they were, and why did you left them?
Testify came into being as offspring from The Fair Sex, a German electro-Dark-Wave project that nobody knows today no more, quite exactly like the pain that was named after TFS.
Who was the author of TESTIFY's symbolics? Does it mean that you belong to something (taking into account that five-ray star was a symbol of USSR for more than 70 years)?
Eh? Who was the author? Back in 1992? Barbara Thoben, the beautiful cover-designer, very likely; but I have no precise memories. The five-ray star is a symbol for many very different phenomenons - and we would not like to be brought into semantic nearness of the USSR which obviously was a constitution betraying all idealistic philosophies that were presented as foundations. So that's the five-ray-star when it's painted red. And when it's painted black it stands for something that is the big left-wing-idea without institutional repression, if I remember right. To this version of the star we are undoubtly closer. What about the white, or blue, or whatever version, of the star? Isn't it a symbol of US army or US airforce or NASA or somepin? So you see: For some reason that nobody knows the five-ray star is one of the favorite symbols of the century. In history-books of days to come there may be found: In the 20th century the five ray-star was used as symbol of Kommunism, Anti-Kommunism, of Anarchy - and in the very late century even of the famous Testify-band, outmatching all other phenomenons in importance. Harr.=
It seems that you have a long-term contract with Van Richter. Is it so? What could you say about Van Richter, their politics, and results of TESTIFY promotion?
Yeah, VR has run Testify-matters for several years now on the American continent, and as sign of gratitude we are gathering now what we consider our best material for the next and last VR-Testify-album.
Have you any tours? If yes, then how often, if in USA only, and who organize them?
We have had live-activities in the past, of course. But only in Mid-Europe I am depressed to admit.
Where is the source of ideas for your lyrics?
The source, as I often have stated it, so it may have become boring to those who already have read Testify-statements, is the ever refreshed and astonishingly ever re-vived dissatisfaction that comes along with living on the Blue Planet. Or perhaps only with living as Myk Jung. Whatever.
What musicians have an influence on you? And whom do you simply listen?
To NIN and Fear Factory and Korn we only listen; real influence on us have the works of Kim Wilde and Jennifer Lopez- and the purring and cooing of the White Lady.
Concerning the mixes by DIE KRUPPS, DIE WARZAU and PLASTIC NOISE EXPERIENCE from your last album. As much as I understand, this was you personal initiative (or Van Richter's). Are you so close with those groups that they make mixes for you? I am also curious to know if DIE KRUPPS receive something from it?
The connections to the remixers were mostly brought about by Van Richter. The band itself is not close. To anything. Or anyone.
About your plans.
For the time being we go thru our material in order to choose those ideas that might be in the stock for the next album. Another plan is to diminish the amount of German beer in order to feel healthier again for the next moves. Even Kullf (guitar) tries this, although it can't be imagined that he will be really successful. Myk's main plan is to wander the Garden Surrounded By The Fence Of Numerous Slats. That sounds mysterious, right?
Your musical forecast for 2001.
Indeed I have no foresight-abilities, strange though this may seem. And ever I tried to foretell future developments it came to pass that I was wrong. So I won't try again. Boring answer, eh? But I fear that's all I can serve with - unless in 2001 the yet totally unknown genre of Pure Peavy sound will rule. That might be possible.
Thank you for your time. Your final words, please.
Thank you for your interest, Gaze Into A Gloom. I will burden you no more with silly answers.